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Alice Quinn Rose

Is a comic book writer and board/card game designer from the U.K.


She's focused on telling socially conscious, Trans & working class, stories. Which illuminate our everyday horrors, and the direct action we can all take to end them.



Alice Quinn Rose is a writer. After studying film & television production she got into the arid arena of screenwriting. Supplementing her income by producing long form educational videos on YouTube. Some of the notable channels she worked for are Philosophy tube, Sophie fr mrs, That Jess and Conrad Cleans. 


When most of hollywoods doors for working class new talent closes in the pandemic Alice decided to adapt some of her strongest screenplays into comic books. She quickly found that the media was much more creatively for filling. 


To establish herself in the larger indie comics community she created ‘Insomniac’s Delights’ an anthology collection of comic horror stories. The anthology genre allowed her to experiment with lots of different ideas. As well as creating an arena where she could collaborate with many many artists. Throughout the creation of the first issue ‘Spring’ she came to deeply value the collaborative dynamic that can be created between and artist and a writer. Seeing her scripts be interpreted and added on to was a delight. 


She’s currently working on her first Graphic Novel. A teen horror story about a transgender teenage girl werewolf who has to claw for even the smallest amount of support from the adults around her. The pitch packet and script are coming along nicely. Hopefully by the end of 2024 a publisher will take it on and the real work can begin.  




Keep up with news about our latest comic, books and games. Follow along with their development. Get behind the scenes knowledge on everything from character creation to play testing. 

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